Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such


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  • Agrimony from large selection of organic bulk herbs

Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such


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Agrimony is a natural herb known for its healing properties. It can help with digestive issues, skin irritations, and even respiratory problems. Add Agrimony to your herbal remedies for a boost in overall health and wellbeing. Trust this tried and true herb to support your body's natural healing processes.

Agrimony contains a large amount of tannins which means it can "dry up" issues like diarrhea . This is a very old herbal remedy with a history of being used in the middle ages for battle wounds.

You can make a tea of this herb to treat mild diarrhea, use 2 teaspoons per 8 ozs of boiling water. It can be used up to 4-6 times a day.
The tea can also be used as a mouth rinse or a gargle when you have a sore throat.