Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Boldo Leaf c/s (Peumus boldus)

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  • Boldo Leaf from Glenbrook Farms

Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Boldo Leaf c/s (Peumus boldus)

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Take a bold step with Boldo Leaf and unleash your health potential! 
Boldo Leaf c/s (Peumus boldus) is a powerful herbal supplement that has been used for centuries in South American folk medicine. It is known to aid with digestion, reduce inflammation and support the body's natural detoxification processes. This herb can be taken in tea form or as part of a capsule supplement. Boldo Leaf c/s contains compounds such as flavonoids, triterpenes and lignans which have been shown to offer numerous health benefits including aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, helping cleanse the liver and urinary system while also supporting healthy cholesterol levels 

  • Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may provide a wide range of health benefits
  • Naturally uplifting aroma suited for aromatherapy applications
  • May support healthy digestion by regulating stomach acidity
  • Natural approach to supporting respiratory system health
  • Potentially powerful cleanser and detoxifying agent

Boldo leaf comes from Chile and Peru. It is found in the fields.
This herb is a powerful antiseptic with natural antibiotics properties.