Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Heal All (Prunella vulgaris) Wildcrafted

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  • Dried Heal all  herb ,normal color
Dried Heal all  herb ,normal color Picture of the ehrb plant Heal All or Prunella vulgaris Heal all dried herb normal brown color of dried Heal All

Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Heal All (Prunella vulgaris) Wildcrafted

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Heal All  has a few names like Heal All, Self -Heal or Selfheal and Woundwort. Prunella comes from the Mint family. Our product is wildcrafted from the Midwest area.

Here is a result of an extensive study done by

Thus, we conclude that Prunella vulgaris is a powerful and widespread drug resource with a huge potential for development. Therefore, there is a need to additionally study all aspects of the isolation, preparation, and identification of BAS, extraction methods, solvent selection, and operating conditions for obtaining dosage forms for maximum release, as well as determining quality standards and ensuring product safety.

Deep in the studies is a result that show PV could inhibit the growth of a virus that was killing people a few years back. Read between my lines....below is a link to that study.

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